Living the Life of a Conquerer
From the heart and pen of Dr. Anderson...
We are living in a day where “we must take time to separate and sanctify ourselves from the cares and frustrations of life and spend more quiet time with the Lord so that we can acquire a better, more accurate understanding of OUR times, and respond with strength, a positive spirit and unparalleled boldness” (Dr. Wayne E. Anderson). What a powerful statement considering the situation that not only America but the world is facing. This is an excerpt from material copyrighted by Dr. Anderson back in 1992. The information contained in the pages of this article will encourage, strengthen and give you guidance as to how to maneuver through the rough waters you may be facing in today’s turbulent times. For any donation of $10.00 you can download the full article a must read for today’s times.
This document is downloadable immediately to be easily read on your mobie device or computer.